LeanOnWe was founded out of a personal tragedy
Ron Gold's Experience Drives Our Deep Commitment to Home Care
On a warm Thanksgiving weekend in 2011, Ron Gold and some colleagues embarked on one last bicycle ride before winter. Near the end of their 50-mile ride, a sleeping driver in an SUV came barreling upon the group and struck Ron head-on without braking.
The accident nearly cost Ron his life and left him paralyzed. He requires home care every day - even now many years later.
The early years were especially tough, but one of the biggest challenges was finding reliable caregivers. When Ron and his wife Betsy experienced countless problems finding good private caregivers, they knew there had to be a better way.
So Ron started LeanOnWe and today, not only does LeanOnWe solve a widespread problem faced by millions of households, but it has also given Ron a new purpose in life.

Ron Gold Speaks About His Tragedy And LeanOnWe
Entrepreneurship: CBS Ideas & Insights
LeanOnWe In The News
Ron's story has been covered extensively by numerous media outlets
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Serving Metro New York, New Jersey & Connecticut