Personalized Caregiver Matching
A LeanOnWe Care Advisor Walks You Thru Every Step
We Prepare A Caregiver Short-List Based on Your Exact Needs
You Interview & Select the Candidate You Like Best
Our Detailed Matching Process Identifies Great Candidates Just For You
Here's how it works:
- A LeanOnWe Care Advisor is assigned to assist you at every step
- In-depth needs assessment via a call with your Care Advisor
- We identify a short list of top Caregiver candidates from our directory of pre-screened Caregivers
- Over 75 screening factors are used to narrow our search and identify only the best candidates to meet your specific needs
- You evaluate each candidate in our automated system, including a detailed bio and a video of each candidate
- You interview and select your preferred candidate
Over 75 Matching Factors
- Location
- Work experience
- Education and certifications
- Client reviews
- Languages and fluency
- Health conditions
- Dietary requirements
- Equipment experience
- Smoking preferences
- Pets
- Driving and access to car/transportation
- Personality and likely fit with the careseeker
- and more...
We'll Prepare A Short-List of Candidates Based on Your Specific Needs
We Use Over 75 Matching Factors To Assure A Great Fit
- Our Caregivers are pre-screened to ensure they deliver the highest standard of care
- Your caregiver short list is based on an in-depth assessment of your needs
- Short list candidates are chosen based on over 75 screening factors
- You interview & select the candidate that best fits your needs

Our Caregiver Network Includes Over 1,000 Professionals Serving the Greater Metro New York Area
All Caregivers Have Passed Our Rigorous Pre-Screening Procedures
Here's A Sampling of Some of Our Great Caregivers