
Overwhelmed by Home Care? We’ve Got No-Nonsense Answers

Spending your days worried about mom or dad?

Maybe Mom can no longer drive to bingo on Monday evenings and misses her friends. Or perhaps you noticed that Dad doesn’t bathe often enough, and his hygiene is suffering as a result.

8 Financial Concerns Seniors Face and How to Prevent Them

Navigating the financial landscape of later life can be daunting for many seniors, as rising healthcare costs, dwindling income streams, and unforeseen expenses threaten their financial security and overall well-being.

8 Senior Care Options: Which is Right for You?

Maybe you’ve noticed that mom or dad is “starting to slip.” Or maybe they’ve had a health scare: a fall that didn’t break a hip, or flu that didn’t become pneumonia. Take a moment to breathe a sigh of relief.

6 Common Caregiver Myths Debunked

Home care can be confusing and there are many misconceptions surrounding some of the basics. Here are six commonly held myths.

Do I Need A Nurse Or A Senior Caregiver?

senior caregiver

My Mom Can't Put in Her Own Eye Drops — Now What?

Believe It or Not, Medicare Doesn’t Automatically Pay for a Home Aide

One of the biggest misunderstandings about hiring a home aide circles around what type of coverage you are entitled to. Get ready for the bad news.

The Cost of Senior Home Care

Do you have an aging loved one who may need senior care while you go to work every day? Are you feeling overwhelmed with your caregiving responsibilities?

Why Medicaid Cuts Are High on the Government's Pecking Order

Medicaid budget cuts

As part of the Republican initiative to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), large cuts to Medicaid were proposed last Thursday, June 22.